Naturopathic Medicine
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a unique healthcare profession typically focusing on primary care, prevention, and a process that begins with therapies using the least force possible. Traditional modalities include botanical medicine, physical medicine, nutritional therapy, and homeopathy. Additionally, the incorporation of conventional approaches such as laboratory/diagnostic testing, injection therapy, minor surgery, and even prescription medication come into play depending on the situation.
Where Can I Find Licensed Naturopathic Doctors?
Naturopathic Doctors are currently licensed or registered in 22 states, the District of Columbia, and territories including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To practice in these states, Naturopathic Doctors are required to graduate from an accredited four-year graduate-level school. This education includes the same foundation in basic sciences as conventional medical schools while also incorporating the aforementioned modalities such as botanical medicine, nutrition, and even counseling. For more details on state licensure and professional education, please utilize the following links:
There are a number of different descriptive terms associated with Naturopathic Doctors so it is critical to verify that they have attended one of the accredited schools. This is especially important when meeting with a Naturopathic Doctor in an unlicensed state. Some of these terms may include: naturopath, holistic doctor, or homeopath.
What Are the Principles of Naturopathic Medicine?
The principles of naturopathic medicine include:
Vis Medicatrix Naturae: The Healing Power of Nature - Recognition of the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. The role of the Naturopathic Doctor includes support in stimulating this process and removing the obstacles to cure.
Tolle Causam: Identify and Treat the Causes - The primary focus is to identify and remove the root cause rather than treating/suppressing symptoms.
Primum Non Nocere: First Do No Harm - Utilization of methods that minimize risk, harm, and the suppression of disease while using the least force necessary. This requires working closely with individuals on a regular basis.
Docere: Doctor as Teacher - Provide education to empower and promote responsibility with the individual.
Tolle Totum: Treat the Whole Person - Working with the individual to incorporate all aspects of health: mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, social, environmental, nutritional, and more.
Praevenic: Prevention - A combination of the above principles, this is a proactive rather than reactive approach to optimal health.
What is the Therapeutic Order?
The therapeutic order is a set of guidelines to help Naturopathic Doctors completely resolve the patient’s symptoms and address the underlying cause while using the least force necessary.